Richard and Pascal's Biography
After having been given a guitar at the age of 8 by his parents, Richard received a solid foundation in music through studying classical guitar for almost 12 years at the 'Conservatoire de musique du Québec à Hull'. His first foray into the world of 'not-so-classical' music occurred upon a chance meeting with Pascal, with whom the band 'Vis-à-Vis' was soon formed. This experience proved to be pivotal in establishing a style of song composition which would continue to influence Richard long after Vis-à-Vis disbanded in 1994.
Fast forward to 2012 and a vacation in Paris which included a visit with my friend Pascal, who said, "I've constructed a sound studio in my basement. Let's record one of your songs while you are here!"
A few days later... "Hmmm, it sounds like Vis-à-Vis - I like it! What would you say if we...." - I hope that you enjoy our music.
Music is my favorite hobby. I always had the dream of building with my own hands my personal home studio. I've been involved in many music projects for which I won't give you too many details here, but if you are interested, here's the site:
With recent technology, Richard and I had the opportunity to do music together again. Working on new songs but also redoing songs that we enjoyed doing while we played in the band Vis-à-Vis.
We don't really have any goals with what we do. It is mostly for the pleasure of making music, keeping in touch and sharing our work. I sincerely hope you will enjoy it as much as we do.